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SmartPhrase foreign language bookshop: Teach Yourself Portuguese. Learn Portuguese the quick and easy way. Language course books with audio cassettes or compact discs, CD, or CD-ROM. Buy books for beginners and intermediate or advanced students at school or home.
LANGUAGE LEARNING (Books for teaching yourself Portuguese) |
Continental Portuguese: Complete Course (Living Language) (+audio cassettes). Recommended. |
Brazilian Portuguese: Complete Course (Living Language) (+audio cassettes). Recommended. |
Portuguese (Teach Yourself Series); by Manuela Cook. |
Teach Yourself Brazilian Portuguese (Teach Yourself Series); by Sue Tyson-Ward. Highly Recommended. |
Colloquial Portuguese: A Complete Language Course (+audio cassettes); by Joao Sampaio and Barbara McIntyre. Highly Recommended. |
Getting by in Portuguese: A Quick Beginner's Course for Tourists and Business People (+audio casettes); by Penny Newman. |
Brazilian Portuguese: A Complete Course for Beginners (Teach Yourself Series); by Sue Tyson-Ward. |
Living Language Ultimate Portuguese: Basic-Intermediate: Learn to Speak, Read, and Write Portuguese Fluently (+audio cassettes); by Lourdes Filoco and Christopher Medellin. Highly Recommended. |
Talk Portuguese: The Ideal Course for Absolute Beginners (Talk Short Language Courses); by Cristina Mendes-Llewellyn. |
Portuguese: A Complete Course for Beginners (+2 audio cassettes) (Teach Yourself Series); by Manuela Cook. Recommended. |
Teach Yourself Beginner's Portuguese: An Easy Introduction (Teach Yourself Series); by Sue Tyson-Ward. Recommended. |
Brazilian Portuguese: FSI: Programmatic Portuguese: Language Course; Ideal for Businesses and Schools. |
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