Portuguese: Numbers: 0 to 19; 20 to 39; Multiples of Ten; Larger Numbers; Ordinals; Helpful Books for Portuguese;
0 |
zero |
1 |
um / uma |
2 |
dois / duas |
3 |
três |
4 |
quatro |
5 |
cinco |
6 |
seis |
7 |
sete |
8 |
oito |
9 |
nove |
10 |
dez |
11 |
onze |
12 |
doze |
13 |
treze |
14 |
catorze |
15 |
quinze |
16 |
dezasseis |
17 |
dezassete |
18 |
dezoito |
19 |
dezanove |
20 |
vinte |
21 |
vinte e um |
22 |
vinte e dois |
23 |
vinte e três |
24 |
vinte e quatro |
25 |
vinte cinco |
26 |
vinte seis |
27 |
vinte sete |
28 |
vinte e oito |
29 |
vinte e nove |
30 |
trinta |
31 |
trinta e um |
32 |
trinta e dois |
33 |
trinta e três |
34 |
trinta e quatro |
35 |
trinta e cinco |
36 |
trinta e seis |
37 |
trinta e sete |
38 |
trinta e oito |
39 |
trinta e nove |
10 |
dez |
20 |
vinte |
30 |
trinta |
40 |
quarenta |
50 |
cinquenta |
60 |
sessenta |
70 |
setenta |
80 |
oitenta |
90 |
noventa |
100 |
cem |
392 |
trèsentos novente dois |
1,000 |
mil |
7,840 |
sete mil oitentos e quarente |
1,000,000 |
um milhão |
first (1st) |
primerio (1º) |
second (2nd) |
segundo (2º) |
third (3rd) |
terceiro (3º) |
fourth (4th) |
quarto (4º) |
fifth (5th) |
quinto (5º) |
sixth (6th) |
sexto (6º) |
seventh (7th) |
sétimo (7º) |
eighth (8th) |
oitavo (8º) |
ninth (9th) |
nono (9º) |
tenth (10th) |
décimo (10º) |
Related Sections:
• General Portuguese Vocabulary;
• Money and Mail - Phrases for at the Bank and Post Office; Money & Bank Vocabulary;
• Helpful phrases for Shopping in Portugal; Shopping Vocabulary;
• A guide to Portuguese Pronunciation;
The numbers up to 15 will simply need to be learned. Note that the names for 1 and 2 differ according
to gender. Numbers 16 to 19 are formed by the name of the unit digit to the stem dez- (10), though in some cases -a- or -as- is placed between the two parts. Thereafter the two-digit numbers are formed in virtually the
same manner as in English. For example 37 is trenta e sete (trente is 30, and sete is 7). The only anomaly here is that when forming most numbers the word e (and) is included between the two parts, e.g. 31 is trenta e um
. The ordinals are rather irregular, though they always end in -o apart from 1st and 2nd.
On this page: How do you say in Portuguese? Numbers in Portuguese. Portuguese numbers. Counting 123 (um, dois, treso). Tens and hundreds. How to form ordinals and cardinals. First, second, third. Useful Portuguese words. What is it in Portuguese? What is the Portuguese for helpful vocabulary for holidays in Portugal (Portugal)? Travelling to Portugal on business. Easy holiday and vacation phrases. Portuguese vocabulary and useful words. Students studying and learning foreign language Portuguese (Português). Speaking Portuguese for beginners / intermediate students. Talking about Portugal in Portuguese language course. SmartPhrase online phrasebook Portuguese translations.
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