Portuguese: Problems: Problems Vocabulary; Crime and Theft; When You Lose Something; Road Accidents; Disasters; Helpful Books for Portuguese;
You must go to the police station. |
Você tem que ir à esquadra da polícia. |
Is there a police station near here? |
Há alguma esquadra da polícia perto? |
My watch has been stolen. |
Roubaram-me o relógio. |
I think I put my wallet on the counter. |
Acho que pus a minha carteira no balcão. |
Can I have your name and address, please. |
Pode dar-me o seu nome e morada, por favor? |
Where have you looked for it? |
Onde o/a procurou? |
I've lost my passport. |
Perdi o meu passaporte. |
Where did you lose your bag? |
Onde perdeu o seu saco? |
What was inside it? |
O que tinha lá dentro? |
There was a camera inside. |
Tinha uma máquina fotográfica dentro do saco. |
When did you lose your camera? |
Quando perdeu a sua máquina fotográfica? |
What's it like? |
Como é? |
What shape is it? |
Qual é o feitio? |
Was it marked with your name? |
Estava marcado/a com o seu nome? |
How valuable is it? |
Quanto vale? |
You must fill in a report form. |
Tem que preencher um impresso de queixa. |
There has been a accident. |
Houve um acidente. |
We must call the police. |
Temos que chamar a polícia. |
We must phone for an ambulance. |
Temos que chamar uma ambulância pelo telefone. |
How did the accident happen? |
Como sucedeu o acidente? |
Was he going fast? |
Ele ia depressa? |
Do you have your driving license? |
Tem a sua carta de condução? |
Do you have your insurance certificates? |
Têm os vossos papéis de seguro? |
Were there any witnesses? |
Houve alguma testemunha? |
I witnessed it happening. |
Eu vi o que aconteceu. |
It wasn't my fault. |
Não foi culpa minha. |
It wasn't his right of way. |
Ele não tinha prioridade. |
I crashed into the truck. |
Eu bati no camião. |
The accident happened at the crossroads. |
O acidente aconteceu no cruzamento. |
The strong winds blew the tree down. |
O vento forte deitou a árvore abaixo. |
The storms caused flooding. |
As tempestades causaram inundações. |
There is a bomb alert. |
Há um alerta de bomba. |
There was a big explosion. |
Houve uma grande explosão. |
Telephone the fire service. |
Telefone para os bombeiros. |
Can you help me. |
Pode ajudar-me? |
He broke the window. |
Ele partiu a janela. |
Evacuate the building, please. |
Evacuem o edifício, por favor. |
Related Sections:
• General Words and Phrases; General Portuguese Vocabulary;
• Transport Phrases; Transport Vocabulary;
• Phrases for the Hospital, Doctor's Surgery, and Chemist's; Medical Vocabulary;
• Phrases to help you Be Understood;
• A guide to Portuguese Pronunciation;
Vocabulary Lists: Portuguese > Problems > Vocabulary
• Describing Lost or Stolen Items;
• Disasters and Serious Accidents;
On this page: How do you say in Portuguese? If you lose something valuable like your wallet, keys, or passport in Portugal; reporting the crime or theft at a police station. Accidents and crashes; if the police ask for your driving lisence. Calling for an ambulance or the fire service. Portuguese phrases to help in a disaster like a fire, flood, or strong wind. Useful Portuguese phrases. What is it in Portuguese? What is the Portuguese for helpful words and phrases for holidays in Portugal (Portugal)? Travelling to Portugal on business. Easy holiday and vacation phrases. Portuguese vocabulary and useful sentences. Students studying and learning foreign language Portuguese (Português). Speaking Portuguese for beginners / intermediate students. Talking about Portugal in Portuguese language course. SmartPhrase online phrasebook Portuguese translations.
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