LANGUAGE LEARNING (Books for teaching yourself Greek) |
Greek: Pimsleur Language Program (+audio cassettes); Simon & Schuster Audio. Highly Recommended. |
Pimsleur Language Program: Modern Greek (+audio cassettes); by Pimsleur Language Programs. Highly Recommended for Businesspeople. |
Talk Greek Language Course : The Ideal Course for Absolute Beginners (+audio cassette); by Alison Kakoura and Karen Rich. |
Just Listen 'N Learn Greek (+compact disc) ; by Brian Hill. Highly Recommended. |
Just Listen 'N Learn Greek: The Basic Course for Succeeding in Greek and Communicating With Confidence (+audio cassette); by Eleni Marcopoulos-Gambarotta, Jennifer Scamp, and Brian Hill. Recommended. |
Learn to Read and Write Greek: The Basics of the Greek Language; by Matina Psyhogeos. |
Listen and Learn Modern Greek (+audio cassette) ; by Dover's Listen and Learn Series. |
Conversational Modern Greek in 20 Lessons; by Cortina. |
Conversational Greek in 7 Days: Break the Language Barrier the Quick and Easy Way (+2 audio cassettes); by Shirley Baldwin and Hara Garoufalia-Middle. Recommended. |
| Greek: Helpful Books: Language Learning; Dictionaries & Vocabulary Books; Phrasebooks; Grammar Assistance; Miscellaneous Books;
The Pocket Oxford Greek Dictionary: Greek-English / English-Greek; by J. T. Pring. Recommended. |
Langenscheidt's Pocket Greek Dictionary Classical Greek-English; by K. Feyerabend. |
Standard Greek Dictionary: Greek-English / English-Greek; by Langenscheidt. Highly Recommended. |
Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon; by Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott. Highly Recommended. |
Greek-English / English-Greek Dictionary and Phrasebook; by Tom Stone. |
NTC's New College Greek and English Dictionary; by Paul Nathaniel. Recommended. |
PHRASEBOOKS (Primarily for travellers) |
Berlitz Greek (Phrase Book and Compact Disc); Berlitz Multimedia. Recommended. |
Berlitz Greek Phrase Book; Berlitz Travel Guides. |
Collins Gem Greek Phrase Finder: The Flexible Phrase Book (+audio cassette); Collins Gem. |
Greek-English / English-Greek Dictionary and Phrasebook; by Tom Stone. |
Eyewitness Travel Guide Phrase Book: Greek; by Konstantinos Greveniotis and Antigoni Kamberou Miller. Recommended. |
Greek Phrase Finder; Translexis. |
Lonely Planet Greek Phrasebook: Lonely Planet Language Survival Kit); by Paul Hellender. |
Modern Greek Idiom and Phrase Book; by Constantine N. Tsirpanlis. Highly Recommended. |
Greek Grammar; by Herbert Weir Smyth and Gordon M. Messing. Highly Recommended. |
Greek: A Comprehensive Grammar of the Modern Language; by David Holton, Peter Mackridge, and Irene Philippaki-Warburton. Highly Recommended. |
201 Modern Greek Verbs: Fully Conjugated in All the Tenses Alphabetically Arranged; by Vassilios Christides and Constantine N. Tsirpanlis. |
Fundamental Greek Grammar; by James W. Voelz. |
Complete Handbook of Greek Verbs; by N. Marinone and F. Guala. Recommended. |
Intermediate Greek Reading Notes and Grammar (A First John Reader); by S. M. Baugh. Recommended. |
New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin; by Andrew L. Sihler. Highly Recommended. |
A Concise Exegetical Grammar of New Testament Greek; by Jacob Harold Greenlee. |
Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature; by Robert W. Funk and Friedrich Blass. |
Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research; by Archibald Thomas Robertson. Highly Recommended. |
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We recommend only the best books, and only titles scoring 3 stars or more are listed.
SmartPhrase foreign language bookshop: foreign language courses; dictionaries for school and college; help with grammar and verbs; idioms and proverbs. All the best books you need.
MISCELLANEOUS (Greek Language) |
Greek : A History of the Language and Its Speakers (Longman Linguistics Library); by Geoffrey C. Horrocks Highly Recommended. |
The Greek Language; by Leonard Robert Palmer. |
The Modern Greek Language: A Descriptive Analysis of Standard Modern Greek; by Peter MacKridge Highly Recommended. |
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