Italian: Helpful Books: Language Learning; Dictionaries & Vocabulary Books; Phrasebooks; Grammar Assistance; Miscellaneous Books;
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Highly Recommended Key To Star Rating System
We recommend only the best books, and only titles scoring 3 stars or more are listed.
501 Italian Verbs: Fully Conjugated in All Tenses in a New Easy-To-Learn Format (Alphabetically Arranged); by John Colaneri and Vincent Luciani. Highly Recommended. |
Italian Verbs and Essentials of Grammar; by Carlo Graziano. |
Teach Yourself Italian Grammar (Teach Yourself Series); by Anna Proudfoot. |
Modern Italian Grammar: A Practical Guide (Routledge Modern Grammar); by Anna Proudfoot and Francesco Cardo. Highly Recommended. |
Modern Italian Grammar Workbook; by Anna Proudfoot and Francesco Cardo. |
Schaum's Outline of Italian Grammar; by Joseph E. Germano and Conrad J. Schmitt. |
Beginner's Italian Grammar (Teach Yourself Series); by Vittoria Bowles. |
Da Capo: An Italian Review Grammar Workbook; by Graziana Lazzarino and Annamaria Moenti. Highly Recommended. |
Reference Grammar of Modern Italian; by Martin Maiden and Cecilia Robustelli. |
Berlitz Italian Grammar Handbook; by Derek Aust. |
SmartPhrase foreign language bookshop: Grammar guides. Verb tables. Help and assistance on usage of Italian words and sentences in speech and writing. Buy books of information on the correct use of the foreign language. Beginner, intermediate, and advanced level.
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