Italian: Numbers: 0 to 19; 20 to 39; Multiples of Ten; Larger Numbers; Ordinals; Helpful Books for Italian;
0 |
Zero |
1 |
Uno |
2 |
Due |
3 |
Tre |
4 |
Quattro |
5 |
Cinque |
6 |
Sei |
7 |
Sette |
8 |
Otto |
9 |
Nove |
10 |
Dieci |
11 |
Undici |
12 |
Dodici |
13 |
Tredici |
14 |
Quattordici |
15 |
Quindici |
16 |
Sedici |
17 |
Diciassette |
18 |
Diciotto |
19 |
Diciannove |
20 |
Venti |
21 |
Ventuno |
22 |
Ventidue |
23 |
Venitre |
24 |
Ventiquattro |
25 |
Venticinque |
26 |
Ventisei |
27 |
Ventisette |
28 |
Ventotto |
29 |
Ventinove |
30 |
Trenta |
31 |
Trentuno |
32 |
Trentadue |
33 |
Trentatre |
34 |
Trentaquattro |
35 |
Trentacinque |
36 |
Trentasei |
37 |
Trentasette |
38 |
Trentotto |
39 |
Trentanove |
10 |
Dieci |
20 |
Venti |
30 |
Trenta |
40 |
Quaranta |
50 |
Cinquanta |
60 |
Sessanta |
70 |
Settanta |
80 |
Ottanta |
90 |
Novanta |
The numbers up to 10 will need to be learned. The tens are formed by adding -anta
to the digit-stem. However, the exact spelling will need to be learned as generally letters are omitted or inserted between the stem and the suffix to aid pronunciation. The words for 10 and 20 are exceptions, in that they do not end in the
-anta suffix. Italian two-digit numbers are written as a single words (i.e. without spaces or hyphens). The numbers 11 to 16 follow a similar pattern to the English numbers 11 to 19. They end in -dici. For numbers above 16,
the unit word is added to the tens stem. Again, letters are often omitted and the 'rules' for this are best learned by studying the words for numbers up to 100. Ordinals are irregular and will need to be learned individually.
Related Sections:
• General Italian Vocabulary;
• Money and Mail - Phrases for at the Bank and Post Office; Money & Bank Vocabulary;
• Helpful phrases for Shopping in Italy; Shopping Vocabulary;
• A guide to Italian Pronunciation;
On this page: How do you say in Italian? Numbers in Italian. Italian numbers. Counting 123 (uno, due, tre). Tens and hundreds. How to form ordinals and cardinals. First, second, third. Useful Italian words. What is it in Italian? What is the Italian for helpful vocabulary for holidays in Italy (Italia)? Travelling to Italy on business. Easy holiday and vacation phrases. Italian vocabulary and useful words. Students studying and learning foreign language Italian (Italiano). Speaking Italian for beginners / intermediate students. Talking about Italy in Italian language course. SmartPhrase online phrasebook Italian translation.
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