Spanish: Helpful Books: Language Learning; Dictionaries & Vocabulary Books; Phrasebooks; Grammar Assistance; Miscellaneous Books;
501 Spanish Verbs: Fully Conjugated in All the Tenses in a New Easy-To-Learn Format Alphabetically Arranged; by Christopher Kendris. Recommended. |
Teach Yourself Beginners Spanish Grammar; by Keith Chambers . |
Comprehensive Bilingual Dictionary of Spanish False Cognates; by Bernard Hamel. |
A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish; by John Butt, Carmen Benjamin. Highly Recommended. |
Manual De Gramatica: Grammar Reference for Students of Spanish; by Eleanor Dozier, Zulma Iguina. |
Grammar Workbook for Introductory Spanish; by Domenico MacEri. |
Modern Spanish Grammar: A Practical Guide; by Juan Kattan-Ibarra, and Christopher J. Pountain. |
Más fácil: A Concise Review of Spanish Grammar; by Estelita Calderon-Young, and Rodney M. Mebane. Highly Recommended. |
Practical Spanish Grammar: A Self-Teaching Guide; by Marcial Prado. |
Advanced Spanish Grammar: A Self-Teaching Guide; by Marcial Prado. Recommended. |
Cassell's Contemporary Spanish: A Handbook of Grammar, Current Usage, and Word Power; by Angeles Perez, Rafael Sala, Manuel Santamarina, and Anthony Gooch. |
A Comprehensive Spanish Grammar Reference; by Jacques De Bruyne, and Christopher Pountain. Recommended. |
Spanish Grammar (Harpercollins College Outline Series); by Juan S. Mendez. |
Spanish Grammar (Hippocrene Language Studies); by Davidovic Mladen. |
Basic Spanish Grammar, 5th Edition; by Ana C. Jarvis, Raquel Lebredo, and Francisco Mena-Ayllon. Recommended. |
Schaum's Outline of Spanish Grammar; by Conrad J. Schmitt. |
En Breve: A Concise Review of Spanish Grammar; by Seymour Resnick, William Giuliano. Recommended. |
Grammar for Students of Spanish: Study Guide for Those Learning Spanish; by Emily Spinelli. |
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SmartPhrase foreign language bookshop: Grammar guides. Verb tables. Help and assistance on usage of Spanish words and sentences in speech and writing. Buy books of information on the correct use of the foreign language. Beginner, intermediate, and advanced level.
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