German: Helpful Books: Language Learning; Dictionaries & Vocabulary Books; Phrasebooks; Grammar Assistance; Miscellaneous Books;
Cassell's German-English / English-German Dictionary (Indexed); by Harold T. Betteridge. Highly Recommended. |
Children's Illustrated German Dictionary: English-German / German-English (Childrens Illustrated Dictionaries Series); by Hippocrene Editorial Staff. Recommended. |
HarperCollins Unabridged Dictionary: English-German / German-English; by Peter Terrell. Highly Recommended. |
Klett's Modern German and English Dictionary; by Erich Weis. |
Berlitz Dictionary: German-English / Englisch-Deutsch; Berlitz Travel Guide. |
Let's Learn German Picture Dictionary; by Marlene Goodman (Illustrator). |
Dictionary of German Synonyms; by Ralph Barstow Farrell, Cambridge University Press. |
Condensed Muret-Sanders German-English Dictionary; Langenscheidt Publishing Group. |
Harrap's German School Dictionary: Plus German Grammar; by Horst Kopleck, Jimmy Burnett, Peter Meech, Michael Mitchell. Recommended. |
Business German Dictionary: English-German / German-English; by P. H. Collin. Recommended for Businesspeople. |
Dictionary of Engineering and Technology, English-German, 5th Edition; by Richard Ernst, Oxford University Press. Highly Recommended for Engineers. |
Dictionary of Medicine: English-German; by Eberhard Schick, Rupert Livesey, P. H. Collin. |
German Picture Dictionary (Berlitz Kids); Berlitz Multimedia. |
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SmartPhrase foreign language bookshop: German dictionary. Dictionaries to translate from English to German, and German to English. Easy translation for students, holidays, or business. Buy books of vocabulary and words in beginner's and advanced books.
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