501 French Verbs: Fully Conjugated in All the Tenses in a New Easy-To-Learn Format Alphabetically Arranged; by Christopher Kendris. Highly Recommended. |
1001 Pitfalls in French; by Annie Heminway, James H. Grew, Daniel D. Oliver. Recommended. |
Practicing French Grammar: A Workbook; by Roger Hawkins, Marie-Noelle Lamy, Richard Towell. |
French Grammar & Usage; by Roger Hawkins, Richard Towell. Recommended. |
French Grammar: Harpercollins College Outline Series; by Julio Celestin. |
Advanced French Grammar; by Monique L'Huillier. Highly Recommended. |
French Grammar in Context: Analysis and Practice; by Annie Rouxeville, Margaret A. Jubb. |
750 French Verbs and Their Uses; by Jean-Phillipe Mathy, Rosemary McCluskey, Jan R. Zamir. |
French Reference Grammar: A Complete Handbook of the French Language; by Daniel J. Calvez. |
All About French Nouns: Focus on Gender; by Mary N. Burns. |
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